Advanced pipe fittings manufacturer

Advanced Pipe Fittings Manufacturer

Price: $498,000

Location: Idaho (Boise MSA - Relocatable)

Listing ID: 8304-17256

Listing Status: Sold


Company is a leading specialty supplier of advanced mechanically adjusted fittings for the pipe fitting industries and offers various heat free connection solutions for connecting commercial refrigeration and commercial HVACR piping systems.
Company offers products that enable contractors to connect entire VRF/VRV systems without lighting a torch. Company’s products guarantee a 50%-60% time savings as compared to products that require brazing.


Total Sales: $826,466

Cash Flow: $188,579

FFE: $82,600

Inventory: $100,000

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Rodney Wolfe, CMAP, CMA, CCIM, BCI, CMAI

Rodney Wolfe, CMAP, CMA, CCIM, BCI, CMAI